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台灣立法研究資料分享 Data for Taiwan Legislative Studies 



本站釋出的資料集(dta, xls)之全部或一部不可作為其他研究之唯一資料,作者必須發展自己的主要變數,若使用為唯一量化分析資料發表或出版文章視為侵權行為。請於使用資料時依照本網站建議引用資料來源,並依原申請目的使用,且須註明論文內容、分析結果由作者自負文責。本站或資料原始擁有人保留一切權利,若有侵權行為必追究法律責任,公布其姓名、單位和侵權事項,而且永不再允許侵權者申請。


    This website shares legislative research data and methods applied in published papers to encourage legislative and parliamentary research in Taiwan.

   To access the data, applicants must submit an application form and a signed affidavit, providing their names, organizations, purposes of applications, and research topics. All applicants must send the signed documents to the designated address. We will provide links and passwords to access the data once the application is approved. The data and passwords cannot be shared to others or publicly disclosed. The applicant is not allowed to use the data beyond the purposes declared in the application form. Each individual applicant must submit his/her own application form and affidavit.

Currently, the data is shared free of charge. We will approve applications with clear research purposes. Applications without a clearly defined research purpose will be declined. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

    The compiled datasets (e.g. dta or xls) provided must not be the only data source for any research. Researchers must develop their own variables. Using this data as the only source for quantitative analysis in publications is prohibited. Data must be cited according to the platform's guidelines and used for the stated purpose. Unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution, or sharing of the data is strictly prohibited. Violations of these rules will lead to public disclosure of names and behavior of those who violated. The applicants who have violated the rules will be permanently banned from future applications. Legal actions will also be taken against any infringements.

申請表單(Application Form):

切結書  (請下載切結書,簽名、掃描並寄至tohow2011@gmail.com或將紙本寄至台南市東區大學路1號成功大學政治學系黃士豪收 )

Affidavit (Please download the affidavit, sign, scan and email it to or mail the hard copy of it to Shih-hao Huang. No. 1. University Rd. Department of Political Science, National Cheng Kung University) 

目前釋出資料(current release):

  • The Lexicon for Taiwan Legislative Studies (LTLS v2022)

  • 立法院第3-9屆(口頭)總質詢文本                                                                                                *引用:黃士豪,2024。〈文本分析的基礎建設:臺灣國會研究詞庫的建置與測試〉,《台灣政治學刊》,第27卷,第1期:119-177。 read


未來釋出資料(future release):

  •  The Lexicon for Taiwan Legislative Studies (LTLS v2024)

  • 文本分析參考語法(syntax for text analysis)

  • 立法研究資料集(datasets for legislative studies)  

國會研究及文本分析相關網路資源連結 (Other resources for text analysis):

  • Multilingual comparable corpora of parliamentary debates ParlaMint 4.0 (多國國會文本,免費)




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